What is Zija

So what is Zija? Well Zija is the first and only company to make the power of the Moringa Tree into nourishing supplement products which supports, protects and gives the body what it really must heal. The amazing power of Zija originates from its 94 verified minerals, vitamins and all 20 amino acids! Here is just some of the methods Zija is found to be changing the vitamin world!

•    46 Antioxidants

•    36 Anti-Inflamatories

•    Normalizes blood pressure level

•    Supports normal blood sugar levels

•    Promotes natural liver and Kidney Function

•    Removes radical cells that may become Cancerous

•    Nourishes brain function which can combat Depression

•    7 Times the quantity of vitamin C then an Orange

•    4 Times the Calcium of milk

•    2 Times the Protein of Yogurt

•    Contains 539 Medicinal Chemical Activities

•    Also is enzymatic-ally alive and can absorb 100% into the blood. Unlike all trash vitamins available on the market! Nothing compares to this!

•    All Omega essential fatty acids! (fish oils)

Zija Products

All this nutrition packed into one little drink, and also the list literally goes on and on!

The Moringa Oleifera Tree has been praised by Johns Hopkins Med school for it’s “Medical evidence og nutritional, therapeutic, and prophylactic properties.” 2005

Also identified through the National Institutes of Health in 2008 as the botanical of the year and for its “potential to provide for so many unmet needs.”

So, who and what is Zija you wonder? Zija is by far the leader in Moringa Tree nutritional product creation and we hold up to that reputation. The best thing you could do now's to safeguard yourself and your family by nourishing your body’s using the obvious right choice in “Organic Multivitamins.” Read this awesome array of products by Zija International. Certain to fulfill all of your health / vitamin needs.

What is Zija? You already know exactly what it is already. Find out more about our line nutrition now and ask about being a distributor!